Richard E. Gropp Bibliography


 : Novels

Only to Wake, Forthcoming.

Bad Glass, Del Rey, 2012 (Grand Prize Winner, Suvudu Writing Contest; Bram Stoker Award finalist).



 : Short Fiction

"The Skin Inside," Kaleidotrope, 2022.

"Still Life with Falling Man," Interzone #269, 2017. 

"Things to Live For," Pulp Literature #4, 2014.

"Filling Up the Void," Daily Science Fiction, 2011; Wilde Stories 2012: The Year's Best Gay Speculative Fiction, 2012.




 : Flash Fiction

"Promised Land (Wineville, 1928)," Zombies: Shambling Through the Ages, 2013.

"Not the Destination," Daily Science Fiction, 2012.











 : And here’s a link to my Twitter page.








"There is no trap so deadly as the trap you set for yourself."  : Raymond Chandler